Veterama – Vintage Motorcycle Market 🗓 🗺

Billed as Europe’s largest vintage vehicle market and technical show, the first one was in 1975. Due to the popularity of the event, there are two Veterama events – now April and October. These events have saved countless vintage and antique vehicles from being lost; the availability of parts and knowledge breathes new life into many historical vehicles.

Hours are 8:30a-6:00p on Saturday and 8:30a-4:00p on Sunday. Tickets start at 12 euros per day with reduced rates for multiple days. Parking is available. Insider tickets can be purchased to allow access on Friday from 12:00p-8:00p.

More information can be found at Home – Veterama regarding visitors, exhibiting, and other links and things to do in the local area. Links to pictures for past events can also be seen at the above website.

from to
Hockenheimring, 68766 Hockenheim, GermanyHockenheim Ring Map