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General hard start

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General hard start

Post by brettironbutt »

Hello everyone, thank you for all the help so far. Some background: currently in Chile. Have driven from Santiago to Cape Horn and back. Lots of rough roads. 40-60deg average and rainy. I am currently heading north to the desert. 95f ave. I had just broke the. Ew engine/cylinders/heads in before this trip. The bike was starting first kick for 4000 miles. My symptoms are:
- a few times, acceleration with steady gas. Usually in town after a stop sign in second gear.
- right spark plug was a little sooty. Now both.
- I cleaned the main jet with carb cleaner 400 miles ago. Since, it takes 10 kicks to start cold. Warm, no problem.
- carb body bolts tight. No apparent air leaves in intakes. Or carb/head interface.
- checked valves 509miles ago. 3 perfect. Right exhaust slightly tight. (I did not check the head bolts. No torque wrench and forgot)
- new points 4000 miles ago. Timing, differential, static and dynamic all perfect.
- seems like it is unbalanced, hard to describe, but there is has a slight growl instead of hum. This could be in my head.

I am at Casa Matte, a hostal with an open workshop. I have today to try and improve. Any advice most welcome.

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Re: General hard start

Post by jgreen »

Lean usually means harder to start; but sooty sparkplugs usually mean richer mixture.

What does the exhaust smell like?

How hot does the engine run?

Is the fuel flow good from the tank?

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Re: General hard start

Post by Daves79x »

I'd run an unwaxed thin cardboard through the points, see if you get any contamination. Then change the condenser. I think you have a weak spark problem.


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Re: General hard start

Post by brettironbutt »

Update: Dave was right. The first problem was a loose carb cover after cleaning. It was my Chilean friend that did it, but I did not think to check. Easy fix. Then I found out my battery was bad. Reading 7v under load. Replaced. Then found out I was not charging. Replaced the voltage regulator and brush assembly, now, all good!!!! Thanks!!!!!

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