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Seat and gas cap lock help

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Seat and gas cap lock help

Post by boxerrebellion2 »

I am refurbishing Jeff Dean's last BMW. It is a 1971 R60/5 SWB. It had no seat lock assembly and no key for the gas cap. I have not found a locksmith near me that feels like they can cut a key for either one. I have key blanks for both. Before I purchase purchase new replacements I thought I would reach out and see if anybody can help. I would be willing to pay for any parts. I talk to Jeff often and this was his idea. Thanks.

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Re: Seat and gas cap lock help

Post by BMWCCA1 »

I'm assuming you also do not have a fork-lock key? Not sure whether you're trying to make a key for a seat lock that doesn't have one, re-key one to fit the fork-lock, or what you're trying to do since you said it had no seat lock. The gas-cap was an accessory and most likely not keyed the same as the fork lock and seat lock were as when the bike was built.

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Re: Seat and gas cap lock help

Post by boxerrebellion2 »

Thanks for your reply. When I got this bike the only key it had was the /2 type ignition key. I had a seat lock cylinder but with no key. No key either for the fork lock or gas cap. I do have Neiman key blanks that fit all of the locks but no lock codes. I haven't located any keysmith where I live in southern Wisconsin that can cut a key for me. Finding a seat lock assembly either on Ebay or the IBMWR market place has produced nothing.If you or another member can give me a suggestion on what to try I would be thankful

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Re: Seat and gas cap lock help

Post by Kidasters »

So - the only key you have is the "nail" for the ignition.

I found a replacement fork lock with key on e-bay. I think it came from Poland or Czech republic.
I'd keep searching e-bay for the seat lock. I think I got one for a /6 on there once as well.

Once you get those locks with their keys, use your blanks to make copies. That's the easiest thing to do.

For the gas cap - if a lock is important, you can find a repro locking cap and replace it. I'm pretty sure period correct has no lock/key. That's what I'm running on my /5. Just be careful - I've had bad luck with fitment with the reproduction caps. I was lucky and found an original aluminum replacement and had it polished at a local chrome shop, and it came out amazing.
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Re: Seat and gas cap lock help

Post by boxerrebellion2 »

Thanks for the help and advice. I'll try those.

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