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Right spark plug a little sooty

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Right spark plug a little sooty

Post by brettironbutt »

Hello everyone! I made it to Ushuaia and despite my posts here, have been nearly problem free. I checked the valves this morning and they were pretty much spot on. The right exhaust was a smidge tight. When I did, I noticed that the left spark plug was tan and nice. The left exhaust has a nice bluing, maybe 8 inches from the head. The right spark plug was a little black/sooty. And less bluing. I am in the middle of no where, so I can’t do a lot, I changed the mixture needle on the right to make it a bit leaner. I met a guy that runs a local cafe/garage. Hard to see where the cafe ends and the garage starts… he had a 1962 R50/2, which he has borrowed from a neighbor who had let it sit in the weather for a decade. New plug wires, fresh gas and oil, and it started first kick. When I stopped by, his dad came, and showed me a picture of him on a 1952 I think… he drove it in Santiago with his girlfriend when he went to university in 1958, They said that strong cross winds can effect the temp of the cylinders differently. In Tierra del Fuego, I have had cross winds of over 55mpg.

My differential timing was spot on when I shipped the bike, so maybe that is an issue here, but I don’t think so. I am thinking that my carbs are not balanced. So I loosened the right carb cable a tiny bit. Any advice welcome.

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Re: Right spark plug a little sooty

Post by brettironbutt »

Forgot the picture of the plugs!

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Re: Right spark plug a little sooty

Post by jwonder »


Those don't look bad and what you are doing is fine, very small changes!

Good luck and safe riding!
James Wonder
Vice President, Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners
2022 BMW Friend Of the Marque
Long Island, New York

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