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1965 R50/2

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1965 R50/2

Post by joeahley »

Hoping someone can help , I purchased a 1965 R50/2 nut and bolt restoration and there is a switch on the right handlebars for the turn signals but the bike has no turn signals ???? was this normal ? was it an option ? :?:

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Re: 1965 R50/2

Post by schrader7032 »

See my post elsewhere. Signals were only options, but there were suppliers who could provide them.
Kurt in S.A.
'78 R100/7 '69 R69S '52 R25/2
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Fred Heiler
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Re: 1965 R50/2

Post by Fred Heiler »

I've retrofitted the optional turn signals, and it's not difficult. First, make sure your bars has a hole in the center for the two wires that will go to a turn signal unit in the headlight. Next, make sure your signals fit nicely in the end of the bars, and that the expansion nuts tighten them securely. Third, string wires from the bar ends (leave an inch or so sticking out) through the center hole and into the headlight.

Then, connect the wires: power comes from the ignition switch to the signal unit, then up to that thumb switch, which determines which signal gets juice. Before installing the switch, It's helpful to use a continuity tester to determine which contact should get power and which ones will be selected when signaling. The two wires for the signal units from the thumb switch come back into the headlight, then go to the wires in the bars. The mini-harness for the thumb switch usually has four wires: turn signal power, the two wires to the signal units, and a fourth wire for a push contact that operates the horn.

Hope this is helpful.
Fred Heiler: Chester Springs, PA
1967 BMW R60
1967 BMW 1500 (VW)
1971 BMW R75/5
1964 Cobra 427
1965 Porsche 356 SC
1986 Porsche 911

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