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Staying Logged In?

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Staying Logged In?

Post by schrader7032 »

It's probably me, but I wanted to find out if anyone else is experiencing the need to relogin every 4-5 days or so? I've always used the "Remember" feature, but I'm routinely finding me logged out at odd times. The other day I was in the middle of a post and as I hit the submit button, I was taken immediately to the main forum screen which required that I log in again...lost all my post.

This has been going on for some months now. I'm running a standard setup in Windows 10 using the Edge browser. I don't seem to have this problem on any other sites I visit.

Kurt in S.A.
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Re: Staying Logged In?

Post by pmtremblay »

I've had lots of trouble with it, too. I had a long post drafted last week with a few photos, then hit preview and it went to the login required page. I had to login and start the post over again.
Patrick in Virginia
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Re: Staying Logged In?

Post by jwonder »

Anyone who reports an issue here please let me know your operating system and browser. This will help me with looking into the problem.

Thank you!
James Wonder
Vice President, Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners
2022 BMW Friend Of the Marque
Long Island, New York

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