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Trailering ...securing motorcycle

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Trailering ...securing motorcycle

Post by lord2694 »

Thought best to ask first. I have an R50 (had it for 45 years). I own an enclosed trailer and was wondering about adding a front tire chock mount in it along with some tie down anchors. My question is what makes (I have found many ...even hHarbor freight https://www.harborfreight.com/motorcycl ... 69026.html ) And wonder what would do the job well with the Earl Forks? Also approximate location of floor anchors besides the obvious front left and right? Advice/experience appreciated.

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Re: Trailering ...securing motorcycle

Post by jwonder »

I have the "MaxxHaul 70075 Motorcycle Wheel Chock" that I purchased from Amazon and it works great!

I also have soft-loop tie downs that I use on the bars for the front and the frame in the rear. It works great!
James Wonder
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Re: Trailering ...securing motorcycle

Post by Flx48 »

Hi Rob-
We all used to just strap our bikes in an open pickup bed, but the advancing years have proven using wheel chocks to be a very helpful and secure addition to just a couple of straps.

My chocks are Condors, but my feeling is that as long as your front tire can easily fit in the chock without whacking the bottom rear of the fender, it's going to work fine no matter the brand.
And bear in mind on most brands the rear flipper is adjustable, so find the position where the tire feels comfortably secure from movement. (it does not need to have zero movement, but you'd like the tire to have simultaneous contact with front/back/bottom of the chock)

As for strapping the bike in, basically we aim to "draw and quarter" the bike.
The D-rings want to be mounted on the floor, so the bike is pulled down, compressing the suspension some, as well pulling to the sides/front/back.
This is about having a bit more security in case the journey is somehow more eventful than anticipated.

We still see folks using no chock, or a chock and no straps, or a chock and just two straps, and for the most part they probably get by doing that, but at this stage of the game I'm most comfortable using the belt and suspenders approach; I just want to get the bike moved securely to another location without leaving too much room for drama.

And congrats on having the bike 45 years!
I, too, have had the one pictured to the right for 45 years (and its solo doppelganger for almost 40 years) and it has been a wonderful ride through time together, so I really understand the feeling.

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Re: Trailering ...securing motorcycle

Post by blacknight »

NEVER Ever .................... Use a side or center stand as support to position and ENGAGE while in any moving vehicle when towing any bike.

you won't like the outcome after you hit a pothole, bump, sudden edge, curb, jerk, etc because the side stand can bend the frame.
the centerstand can colapse and straps loosen & the bike Goes Down Hard.

Use high quality straps like ANCRA's. I prefer a non ratchet type. I also use mine as positioned up-side down where I pull up while rocking the bike.
soft ties are wonderful. but if you find yourself in a pinch or a 'tow truck' doesn't have soft ties. Here is a knot to use. it 111% fool proof positive. I always carry 'mule tape x 15-20 feet as a precaution.

2 simple knots when tied like this ....... bind on each other [ this is a human life saving type] knot.
any 1st grader can tie this, even a tow truck driver....
a strap about 2-3' long makes a great loop soft tie.


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