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So where do you live and ride?

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So where do you live and ride?

Post by malmac »

I notice that some folk include the city and state they live in.
It does not seem to be an invasion of privacy to state such broad geographical information.

Why bother?
Well living in Australia where there seems to be only a sprinkling of members it lets one know if someone is not that far away and might like to catch up or help each other out.
Obviously when I see someone is from Europe or USA or Israel for that matter, well offering information might be as good as one could give or hope for.

So if you haven't filled in your location details on your profile page, give it some thought.
Maybe it is just something that did not seem important.

mal - R69s
Toowoomba- Australia

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Re: So where do you live and ride?

Post by Micha »

That's a good idea.
Through the forum here I have already got contact with 2-3 people with such motorcycles, here in Israel.
Michael Steinmann
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Re: So where do you live and ride?

Post by malmac »


I think I can assume that if I just happen to be riding across Israel on my vintage BMW I could probably count on a free cup of coffee at your place.

Well maybe not free but coffee anyway.

I know if someone is passing through Toowoomba i would be happy to put them up for the night and give them FREE coffee.

Old BMW motorcycles have been a life long connection for me and for those I have met along the road.



I started with this R60 back in about 1971
mal - R69s
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Re: So where do you live and ride?

Post by Discogodfather »

I live and ride in the San Francisco / Bay Area, but I spend little time actually riding in the city, which is a nightmare for motorcyles in general. Lots of hills, bad potholes and horrible streets (supposedly in the most socialist city in the USA) and general horrible traffic (except for this year, lol).

Just south of SF is the beautiful Skyline road that winds down towards the Santa Cruz mountains. Its an amazing ride down highway 35 and to Alice's restaurant, a famous motorcycle hangout. Before Covid things were getting way too crowded and really dangerous on a sunny weekend, so I went during the weekdays for the last few years. Just beautiful country and the road is amazing, you can find all kinds of little roads leading out to beautiful Highway 1. Very little development other than farms and some small homes, etc.

I would do a loop once a week and end up at Alice's. Their burgers are named after motorcycles. There is a BMW!

Ironically this has become much easier to do during Covid because lack of people, but it contradicts sometimes with our lockdown rules.
1969 r60/2, 1972 r75/5, 1973 Norton Commando, 1974 Ducati 750 GT, 1966 Honda 450 Black Bomber, 1965 Honda Superhawk, 1971 Honda CB 750

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Re: So where do you live and ride?

Post by malmac »

Discogodfather wrote:
Fri Dec 18, 2020 2:39 am
I live and ride in the San Francisco / Bay Area, but I spend little time actually riding in the city, which is a nightmare for motorcyles in general. Lots of hills, bad potholes and horrible streets (supposedly in the most socialist city in the USA) and general horrible traffic (except for this year, lol).

Just south of SF is the beautiful Skyline road that winds down towards the Santa Cruz mountains. Its an amazing ride down highway 35 and to Alice's restaurant, a famous motorcycle hangout. Before Covid things were getting way too crowded and really dangerous on a sunny weekend, so I went during the weekdays for the last few years. Just beautiful country and the road is amazing, you can find all kinds of little roads leading out to beautiful Highway 1. Very little development other than farms and some small homes, etc.

I would do a loop once a week and end up at Alice's. Their burgers are named after motorcycles. There is a BMW!

Ironically this has become much easier to do during Covid because lack of people, but it contradicts sometimes with our lockdown rules.
Is it THE Alice's Restaurant, "anything you want, excepting Alice?"

My wife and I sat down and watched the movie just last week.

Stay safe, Australia seems to have missed the worst of COVID so far, but it's not over yet.

Cheers Mal.
mal - R69s
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Re: So where do you live and ride?

Post by Flx48 »

That Alice's Restaurant is over on this side of the country, in Stockbridge, MA; (though has a different name now) and Guthrie still lives nearby.
That's 40mi north of us, we're in the NW corner of CT, 100mi north of NYC.
I'm not a coffee drinker, but I'll boil you a mean cuppa.


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Re: So where do you live and ride?

Post by malmac »

Flx48 wrote:
Sat Dec 19, 2020 1:39 pm
That Alice's Restaurant is over on this side of the country, in Stockbridge, MA; (though has a different name now) and Guthrie still lives nearby.
That's 40mi north of us, we're in the NW corner of CT, 100mi north of NYC.
I'm not a coffee drinker, but I'll boil you a mean cuppa.

Thanks George

Wouldn't it be nice (as the Beach Boys sang) if life was a bit more simple and dropping by for a coffee and a chat was back in the realm of reason.


mal - R69s
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Re: So where do you live and ride?

Post by Micha »

I live in the center of the country, close to Tel Aviv (Ramat Gan).
Originally farmers family from the north.
I started riding a year or two after military service (was discharged from service in 1990).
First a BSA M20 with outfit, still have it now, and ca. 2 years later I bought this BMW.
Michael Steinmann
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Re: So where do you live and ride?

Post by dardaris2725 »

Hello Micha,
I thought that might be you posting on the WD M20 forum. I too have a military M20, but it is not running yet. My main interest is the BMW's. Both forums are great resources; my M20 was purchased in boxes and the folks there have been great explaining things. I live in Central New York. Have a safe and happy holiday.

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Re: So where do you live and ride?

Post by Discogodfather »

Micha wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 2:06 am
I live in the center of the country, close to Tel Aviv (Ramat Gan).
Originally farmers family from the north.
That's very interesting, I was in Israel on business years ago and always thought it would be an amazing place to ride. What is the riding season like there? Is it extremely hot (too hot) during the summer? We hear a lot about checkpoints, do those make things more difficult?
1969 r60/2, 1972 r75/5, 1973 Norton Commando, 1974 Ducati 750 GT, 1966 Honda 450 Black Bomber, 1965 Honda Superhawk, 1971 Honda CB 750

San Francisco, CA

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