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New VBMWMO Store Manager

A place to discuss the Vintage BMW store including new product ideas and requests
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New VBMWMO Store Manager

Post by WarrenM »

Hey all, Warren here.
Just wanted to introduce myself as the new VBMWMO store manager. I will be working on new product lines for the store as well as new and updated product designs.

We created the "General Store" category for the membership to use as a resource to suggest new products or to request things you might be looking for. It can also be used for anything VBMWMO Store related such as questions about products, requests for new (or custom) product, ways to improve the store, etc.

So, what do we have "in store" 8-) for you? I am currently working on a VBMWMO 50th anniversary logo for starters. This will be added to limited edition product lines such as shirts, mugs, hats, and such. Yeah, I know we all have a million of those, but the 50th anniversary products will be limited. I am also looking to add product lines like stickers, art prints, banners, and more. If you have requests, please submit your ideas and I will add them to the list (or address any possible limitations).

There was also discussion of possibly doing a 50th anniversary calendar for 2021. There are a lot of logistics to overcome to make it happen, and we are short on time but it is an idea that is on the table. If you are interested, speak up now. If we decide to move forward with it, it would be a very limited run.

If there any questions or comments at all relating to the store, please feel free to reach out directly or start a new thread and I will be happy to address them all.

Warren Moser, Central NJ
VBMWMO Store Manager
'78 R100/7, 89 Yamaha FJ1200, 08 KLR 650

Jim D 5112
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Re: New VBMWMO Store Manager

Post by Jim D 5112 »

For a new product I would like to see quality self adhesive enameled medallion of the Vintage BMW Owners Club logo. It should be available in 60 mm and maybe 70mm. And only be sold through the club store. I think that it would sell well.
And I would be interested in a vintage calendar if it was printed.

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Re: New VBMWMO Store Manager

Post by WarrenM »

Hey Jim,
Thanks for the reply and I like the medallion idea. I will add your request to the list and will see what I can find.

Warren Moser, Central NJ
VBMWMO Store Manager
'78 R100/7, 89 Yamaha FJ1200, 08 KLR 650

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Re: New VBMWMO Store Manager

Post by pmtremblay »

It's probably time to plan for next year as well ... Maybe a line of a century of motorrad excellence. I don't know if BMW is planning anything since they did corporate 100th anniversary models in 2016, but I think most motorcycle owners consider 1923 the real birth year.
Patrick in Virginia
'66 R27

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