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Better mugs

A place to discuss the Vintage BMW store including new product ideas and requests
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Better mugs

Post by jwonder »

I would like to see better pictures on the mugs. If we had better pictures for each model ever created by BMW, I would buy one for each one of the models I own.

No, I don't own all of the models and I wish I did!!
James Wonder
Vice President, Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners
2022 BMW Friend Of the Marque
Long Island, New York

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Re: Better mugs

Post by WarrenM »

Hey James,
Agreed, we do need better images for the products so if anyone has some great images (that you own the copyright to) and are willing to share, we would love to be able to use them on products. We will even give you credit in the stores product descriptions. BMW Motorcycle related Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG) files are also a highly coveted but a rare element in the design world that would be useful to have if anyone has any to share.

Warren Moser, Central NJ
VBMWMO Store Manager
'78 R100/7, 89 Yamaha FJ1200, 08 KLR 650

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