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Reynolds trailer hitch K73-k100

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Reynolds trailer hitch K73-k100

Post by Beckermotorworks »

What size spacer and bolts need to mount trailer hitch on aK75

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Re: Reynolds trailer hitch K73-k100

Post by schrader7032 »

I've done a general google search for the phrase "K73-K100" and come up with nothing that suggests anything about a trailer hitch. Can you provide more of a description to this item?

Snowbum has some copies of Reynolds products from the mid 1980s. On this page, it shows that the K100 trailer hitch was model R-740:


A simple view of what it might have looked like is here:


I saw this older post where someone sold a hitch for a K75 - K100:

Kurt in S.A.
'78 R100/7 '69 R69S '52 R25/2
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Re: Reynolds trailer hitch K73-k100

Post by schrader7032 »

As an unrelated note, myself and the webmaster have been trying to confirm your possession of a number of orphan engines and frames. If you could contact either one of us, we'd like to update our lists going forward.
Kurt in S.A.
'78 R100/7 '69 R69S '52 R25/2
Fast. Neat. Average. Friendly. Good. Good.

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