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R90S Starter operable when engine running

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Re: R90S Starter operable when engine running

Post by motorradfanatiker »

On my 74 R90S the starter will run when the engine is running in neutral and the button is pushed.

This is a problem for me because I have a wide tank bag that bumps the button and grinds the starter when I’m backing up the bike. I have been thinking of installing some kind of additional cutout but I’m not sure the best way to do it. Maybe just a manual switch to cutout the starter when using the tankbag. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Jerry Hale
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Re: R90S Starter operable when engine running

Post by srankin »

Probably the best way to solve the problem is breaking into the Starter button switch circuit and installing a on/off switch of some kind. Or fabricate a shield for over the button? Or move the button? Good luck, St.
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Re: R90S Starter operable when engine running

Post by schrader7032 »

I guess we went through this... But why does the starter engage at all when the engine is running??? I'm not going to try it on my /7, but it just strikes me as odd that that can happen.
Kurt in S.A.
'78 R100/7 '69 R69S '52 R25/2
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