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Brake Master Cylinder Rebuild Help Needed

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"Mac Kirkpatrick"

Brake Master Cylinder Rebuild Help Needed

Post by "Mac Kirkpatrick" »

I sent 2 brake master cylinders to Apple Hydraulics in New York to be
resleeved since the old bores were rusty.

They bored out the cylinder in preparation for inserting a stainless steel
sleeve to bring the inside diameter back to original.

In so doing they bored out most of the groove that the circlip fits in that
holds the piston and spring in. That would be OK if the new sleeve included
a new groove, but it does not since the new sleeve only comes to the bottom
of the groove, which is now mostly gone.

I think they should have made a new sleeve that completely filled up the
bore and included a new groove for the circlip.

So I sent them back.

Apple Hydraulics is saying they will send a new larger circlip as the
solution. But the problem is that there is very little groove left; that is
why the original circlip is being pushed due to the pressure of the spring.

I have had Apple listed in our R90sWorldnet links as a good source for
resleeving master cylinders, but maybe that is a mistake.

Does anyone have any ideas or advice about this?

Mac Kirkpatrick
Glenmoore, PA USA

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Re: Brake Master Cylinder Rebuild Help Needed

Post by motorradfanatiker »

Mac, did you get this problem with the circlip sorted out with Apple Hydraulic? I was planning to send them my 16mm master cylinder to have it sleeved down to 14mm. Maybe that wouldn’t be a problem when sleeving down? Would you recommend them for that or is there some else that is better for the sleeve down to 14mm.
Jerry Hale
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Re: Brake Master Cylinder Rebuild Help Needed

Post by srankin »

Mac, I am sorry to see you are having problems. My local shop just had an issue with a re sleeved MC, but I am not sure who did the work for them.

Do you mind me asking what you paid to have Apple do the work? Also I see reproduction MC are for sale at EME.

Anyway I will touch base with Glenn about his problem with the re sleeved unit and find out what the solution was. St.
Owner of a 84, R80RT and 79 R100RT being stripped naked for summer, turned Into a frame up restoration,

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Re: Brake Master Cylinder Rebuild Help Needed

Post by srankin »

Talked to my friend at the airhead shop and he says he had one MC sent to Apple. The shallow grove didn't give him a problem and so far, the owner of the bike has not had any problems. Glenn did say however that when installing the clip, to be sure the sharp side is facing out. LOL, I never looked that closely at c clips and never realized they are slightly rounded on one side versus the other from where they are stamped. Same with washers as well.

Hope this helps guys, St.
Owner of a 84, R80RT and 79 R100RT being stripped naked for summer, turned Into a frame up restoration,

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