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Replace the plastic slide piece on spike ignition without removing the chrome cover?

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Replace the plastic slide piece on spike ignition without removing the chrome cover?

Post by jgreen »

Good morning folks,

I'm sure this has been answered before, but I'm not hitting the proper search terms.

Is there a way to replace the black plastic slide piece on the spike ignition on a /5 (or /2, for that matter) without removing the assembly (i.e., bending the tabs on the ignition plate to remove it, in order to get to the tabs on the chrome cover to remove that from the headlamp shell)?

I'm wondering if anyone has come up with a way to install the spring around the catch without removing it?

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Re: Replace the plastic slide piece on spike ignition without removing the chrome cover?

Post by BMWCCA1 »

Perhaps if you tried "ignition switch" or "headlight switch" instead of "spike" it might help.
Many even call it a "key" but I've not heard it called an "ignition spike".
But I believe the answer to be no.

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Re: Replace the plastic slide piece on spike ignition without removing the chrome cover?

Post by Kidasters »

There is no good way to replace the spring without removing a lot of stuff, including the chrome switch trim, and it sucks.
Here's a walk through on the process:

https://ibmwr.org/index.php/2018/07/14/ ... al-repair/

My advice is - buy this tool:

https://www.euromotoelectrics.com/produ ... 00tool.htm

It's totally worth it when you are trying to put everything back together.

Good Luck, and reach out if you need help.
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Re: Replace the plastic slide piece on spike ignition without removing the chrome cover?

Post by jgreen »

Kidasters, I appreciate the info. I've rebuilt these before, and it's not the worst thing in the world, but if there was just some trick to putting in that piece without having to take it all apart.

I'm half in the bag to just undo the two front tabs on the chrome slider, and see if there's enough room to finagle it in that way. Maybe even remove the speedo, to have access to the back two tabs on the chrome piece...

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