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Shims for final drive cover

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Shims for final drive cover

Post by joelincourt »

Hello all,
I have watched Luca Stere’s utube several times on reassembling the final drive on his R35 and I don’t understand how he got his measurements for the shims that go between the top cover and the smaller bearing on the top of the crown gear. I see how to get the measurements for the shims under the crown, but I need some tips on how to get the correct thickness for the shims above the crown and under the cover. He tells you what to do, but does not show it in his video.
Anyone have any tips on how to do this?

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Re: Shims for final drive cover

Post by Darryl.Richman »

I haven't seen the video, and I don't have an R35, but from the sound of it, you could put some putty in the cover, bolt it up, and then open it again. Then you could measure the putty and determine what you need from how much play you want. Just a thought. Good luck!
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Re: Shims for final drive cover

Post by cwf »

I think you shim it roughly and then put engineers blue on the teeth and see what the contact patch is. You then adjust to get more or less the right patch.

Here it is in German : https://emw-r35.de/gleason.html
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Re: Shims for final drive cover

Post by vechorik1373 »

I do not like to use blue steel ink when checking the mesh pattern of gears. It is too hard for my old eyesight to see what pattern you can see, if any. I found that the best thing to use is good old cheap red lipstick from Walmart. You simply apply it to the clean dry teeth, with a Q tip, and then wave a butane torch at the lipstick, and it will melt and flow all over the surface of the tooth in a nice even coat. Then, when you turn the gears, it will lift the lipstick from one gear tooth and transfer it to another, and show you a easily definitive pattern of engagement on both teeth. Lip stick is waxed base and harmless to bearings and gears. After you get the proper lash and engagement pattern you want, a Q tip soaked with carb cleaner will wipe away 95% of the lipstick.
Easy, stupid and simple. That is best way!
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Re: Shims for final drive cover

Post by caker »

On the old singles, the final drive is "inside out" with the ring gear on the inside and the final drive turning opposite as on twins. So, I think the critical shim is the inner one. With the forces involved, I can't imagine the outer one is critical when arranged like this? The gears are already trying to push away from each other (and into the inner shim that sets the gears distance). I'm probably missing something :)


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