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Lighting Question

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Lighting Question

Post by brettironbutt »

My headlight was flickering. Vech said it was probably the high/low switch. I opened it up and the ends of the wires had badly cracked insulation. I am not in a position to do the fine work required to fix it, so I just disconnected and isolated the two leads to the headlight, and left the power to the switch so that the horn would work. I then disconnected the two leads at the lamp side. An odd thing happened, which was when I did this, (removed the high low at the switch, and the headlight, and taped them off), The parking light started working, when I moved the key switch to either the left (parking) or the right (regular lights). It was super frustrating. So, I moved the lead from to the parking light, and put it on the headlight terminal. (I use a LED bulb, so it has no high/low). That has worked without issue, fthe last 3000 miles.

I came off a ferry in the rain, at night, and my headlight was intermitten, on the worst rode I have ever riden. So I am happy it works, but I can’t figure it out. I intend on buying a new cable for the high/low switch, and cleaning up the switch if it has some invisible corrosion. (When back in my shop), but was wondering if I may be causing some other unintended problem? Right now, when I move the switch to the right, everything works perfect, as long as I have the lead to the parking light terminate on the headlight.

I am enclosing a video taken by a brasilian couple who rode behind me to help illuminate the jungle road. It was 54km, and took 2.5 hours.
(6.21 MiB) Downloaded 51 times

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