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1954 R67/2 Beach racer

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1954 R67/2 Beach racer

Post by DragoTheHun »

I recently was lucky to buy my latest project which is a tripple matching numbers R67/2 for a bargain price. There wasn't much left of the old girl, but it did have matching frame and engine numbers, and the bonus was the original nameplate on the head stem.

I intend restoring this to stock although I'll be using half hub wheels instead of full hub as I can't locate or can't aford the unbelievably expensive correct final drive and front brake plates that appear to be unique to these 53-55 plunger frames.

The story goes it was last used in the 1960's as a Beach Racer here on the coast around Sydney NSW. I belive this is true as I have found sand embeded in the heavy grease/oil accumulated inside the clutch belhousing and the serious rust & corrosion on all underneath parts of the frame - pictures attached.

The frame has been altered to 25mm wider across the belly (using longer engine bolts) & longer rear axle, to fit the 6.40 x 15 wide tyre.

My question for this racing thread is, is the rear wheel, with the 15" rim and slick tyre of any value to anyone?. The rim is steel which which hasnt been used in racing since the 1960's I think.
if not I'll cut the spokes and throw away the rim as the full width hub is definitly worth keeping...
6.40 x 15 rear wheel
6.40 x 15 rear wheel
steering damper from below
steering damper from below
frame rust upside down at centre stand
frame rust upside down at centre stand
bike as purchased
bike as purchased

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Re: 1954 R67/2 Beach racer

Post by mcsherry1328 »

Love to see these old finds show up. Great that you are taking on this project, it's a big one. I have two plunger frame bikes that I have restored in the past few years, as a home garage hobbyist doing all my own work that I can. As a 1954 bike you have the correct full width hubs, rear drive and front brake plate. Not sure what you are saying about the half width hubs ?
The rear rim looks like what I would call a hog wheel, using a rim off of an old Harley. The rim and spokes have very little value in my opinion. I have a Google drive with both my restorations if you have any interest let me know and I will send them to you. My R67/2 is a 1952 that I bought forty five years ago not running. I changed the half width hubs to full width. I was lucky to have found these parts from various sources. My bike sat in boxes for many years. I finished it five years ago and have since put on over five thousand miles. This is my favorite bike to ride and I ride it most every day during riding season, which is April to November. All the best with your restoration project, Cheers, Michael

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Re: 1954 R67/2 Beach racer

Post by DragoTheHun »

Thanks mcsherry, nice bike, worth the 40 odd years wait!
My other bike is a 6th June 1951 built R51/3 which I got in similar condition to my R67/2, but all I had was the drivetrain complete, matching bare fame, and a half hub without the wheel. It took me 11 years to find all the parts for it, - its been on the road 14 months now showing 4,350 km on the clock. Like you I can't stay off it... Pic attached.

Because its an early build, and sheet metal parts were very hard to find at the time, I went for the pre-war R51 look, with 1" handlebars and reverse levers, the fuel tank with side opening toolbox lid is genuine R51 the came from Greece, front guard forward brace(s) are riveted under the guard as are the front number plate tabs... Otherwise period correct.

With the rusty R67/2, even though I have the two full width hubs I don't have the final drive or front brake plate, but I already have two complete and newly built half hub wheels. I also do all my own work so spoking wheels is no problem, what did you mean by "I have a Google drive with both my restorations"?

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Re: 1954 R67/2 Beach racer

Post by DragoTheHun »

oops, here is the missing pic
Herman at night .jpg

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Re: 1954 R67/2 Beach racer

Post by mcsherry1328 »

Very nice bike and restoration. It seems that there are more parts available now than there was years ago. The internet and groups like this along with world wide parts shipping has really helped. When I've done my restorations I take quite a few pictures, to help me remember things. Sometimes before restoration pictures are very important as well. A Google drive is an online photo folder that I store pictures in. I can share the folder for you to look at without downloading any images. I use it all the time and have about twenty different folders from home remodeling, vacations, vehicle restorations, etc. I can send you an invitation via your email. So, if interested send me a PM with your email and I will share it with you. My idea was to help out home restorers on there projects. I built my R67/2 as an R68 replica, which is always what I wanted but have never found one. I still have all my original parts. I also put an R69S engine in my plunger frame bike. I have the original engine but wanted to try this engine. This is the one I've put five thousand miles on. One last note, being shorter than average, this bike fits me perfect. Most all of the new bikes are just too tall.

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