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R60-R60/5 conversion

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Re:- R60-R60/5 conversion

Post by Flx48 »

Hi Niall

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Re: R60-R60/5 conversion

Post by Flx48 »

I'll try that again...

Hi Niall-
Put a solo conversion together configured as you're planning in maybe '78 or '80, using an R75 engine/trans, a while back so my memory could be suspect.
I believe you are correct; I'm recalling using a 1/4" plate with 8 holes; 4 drilled for bolting to the driveshaft and then 4 more holes offset drilled to mount plate against trans output flange.
Believe the measure was arrived at by measuring straight back from engine block rear mount bolt hole on the stock Earles engine/trans unit to rear face of trans output flange, and comparing that to the same measurement on the /5 engine/trans unit, which was shorter by that amount.

It was a great combination, mechanically very sound but cosmetically left a rat bike, because I wanted it to still be there at last call, and in those days there were a lot of bikes nicked in ole London town; shipped to UK and stored it in a friend's London lockup and used it to make the TT for a number of years and other European adventures, but when I finally got married I could no longer afford the trips, so eventually it was sold on.

Good on you for your selfless efforts, Niall, that's a truly great thing you're doing for your friend.

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Re: R60-R60/5 conversion

Post by niall4473 »

Thanks for the info and encouragement George.
Oil is always cheaper than metal

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