This new feature is ON by default and if you hate it you can turn it off. Go to: vbmwmo_notifications.php to make changes to your notification setting.
I am also now working on a new "digest" function that will send email on a selected basis. I am working on that right after I am done with cleaning everything up.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Notifications:
Q: How do I subscribe to notifications? I seem to get them for some things and not for others:
A: You are automatically subscribed to topics (threads) that you created or have replied (posted) to. You will be notified of any replies in those threads.
A: To subscribe to a specific topic that you have NOT posted to, click nect to the Wrench Icon and then click on "Subscribe Topic".
Q: How do I turn on/off email notifications?
A:Navigate to vbmwmo_notifications.php and check in the first section to select the email notifications you want on or off. See the image below:
Q: I do not want to see the full message in every email, how do I turn that off?
A:Navigate to ucp.php?i=ucp_prefs&mode=personal and at the bottom of that page will be the options to choose what emails to include the message in.