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Added full message in email

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Added full message in email

Post by jwonder »

Due to overwhelming suggestion I have added the ability to include the FULL message from the forum in the email that goes to you when a new topic or reply is made to a forum, topic or post you are watching is updated.

This new feature is ON by default and if you hate it you can turn it off. Go to: vbmwmo_notifications.php to make changes to your notification setting.

I am also now working on a new "digest" function that will send email on a selected basis. I am working on that right after I am done with cleaning everything up.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Notifications:

Q: How do I subscribe to notifications? I seem to get them for some things and not for others:
A: You are automatically subscribed to topics (threads) that you created or have replied (posted) to. You will be notified of any replies in those threads.
A: To subscribe to a specific topic that you have NOT posted to, click nect to the Wrench Icon and then click on "Subscribe Topic".
Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 6.10.48 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 6.10.48 PM.png (21.68 KiB) Viewed 24131 times
A:To subscribe to a full forum and see any new topic or reply for that forum, go to the forum and look at the bottom of the page and find the "Subscribe forum" link and click it (see below).
Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 6.44.38 PM.png

Q: How do I turn on/off email notifications?
A:Navigate to vbmwmo_notifications.php and check in the first section to select the email notifications you want on or off. See the image below:
Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 6.02.31 PM.png

Q: I do not want to see the full message in every email, how do I turn that off?
A:Navigate to ucp.php?i=ucp_prefs&mode=personal and at the bottom of that page will be the options to choose what emails to include the message in.
James Wonder
Vice President, Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners
2022 BMW Friend Of the Marque
Long Island, New York

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