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A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site

Parked 2Long
Posts: 65
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:18 am
Location: Algonquin, IL

Re: A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site

Post by Parked 2Long »

success, sort of
I was able to post an add.
If I copy and paste my text I would get the unsafe message.
No copy and paste, no message about operation unsafe
In the school of life, first comes the test, then comes the lesson.

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:18 am

Re: A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site

Post by enchantedworld »

I totally feel your pain with those pesky security certificate issues. I had a similar issue when I first joined this forum. I actually stumbled upon this forum while I was trying to sort out my own Windows 10 key situation. So it's good to know I'm not alone in dealing with these tech hiccups. Anyway, back to the topic – after a bit of digging, I found that updating my security certificates did the trick for me. So, if you haven't already, give that a shot. Hopefully, it'll resolve your issue just like it did for me.

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