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Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
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All caught up on the initial post.
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Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
Does that piston have equally gigantic valves? How do they compare with this one I found? The small one is from a standard '70s/'80s twin. Charlie.
Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
The valves look almost identical, they have 1" stems. Do you know what that valve is out of?cwf wrote: ↑Tue Aug 29, 2023 4:13 pmHello, I like your film, it's tricky getting a novel view of a bike. Getting the camera down low and seeing the suspension work is good too.
Does that piston have equally gigantic valves? How do they compare with this one I found? The small one is from a standard '70s/'80s twin.

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Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
I took my wife to the Seychelles for her 60th some years ago, in February, so mid-winter UK to the tropics. A car was included with our b&b, so we explored. In the hills, at the end of the road someone had dumped some stuff including this, so this is my exotic souvenir. I thought it must have come from a ship's engine as a valve that weight (5lbs 10oz) can't have moved very fast.
Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
Sounds really close to my valve as well. Defiantly out of some large industrial engine, would be awesome to know which one. Love old big equipment.cwf wrote: ↑Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:38 pmStem is 24mm, .95 inch. Head is 107mm or 4.2 inches. There are numbers above the collet : 94220.06 IN 5-7-08 (logo) P.
I took my wife to the Seychelles for her 60th some years ago, in February, so mid-winter UK to the tropics. A car was included with our b&b, so we explored. In the hills, at the end of the road someone had dumped some stuff including this, so this is my exotic souvenir. I thought it must have come from a ship's engine as a valve that weight (5lbs 10oz) can't have moved very fast.
Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
Here I've already spooned on the new rear tire and I'm static balancing. The wheel didn't play well with my actual balance stand so ended up using the axle and jack stands, not ideal but got it very close and for the speeds I'll be riding at should work perfectly.

While the rear wheel was removed I disassembled the rear brakes and lubricated all pivot points and shaft on the cam.

A tad bit of difference.....much better!

The fender on the sidecar hinges back to allow access to the tire.

Spooning on the sidecar tire and balancing it on the stand.

Old tire sidewalls, weather cracking.

Decided to cut the old tire in half to see the construction....just curious. Pretty cool.

Next up....clean the carburetors. The right side carb has been puking fuel upon shut down and stumbles occasionally when riding (not to often). I ordered gaskets and set to cleaning both carbs. Side note: I also ordered new lever tops & floats to convert the carbs over from the old style needle valves to the new style. Turns out I already had lever tops installed on the bike lol, that's what I get for ordering parts when I'm away from the bike. I installed the new lever tops and floats and will install new needle valves in the old units and keep them for spares.
Starting on the left carb.

One dirty carb ready to be cleaned.

Carb disassembled and parts organized in the Ultrasonic Cleaner basket. Upon disassembly of the left carb I found the float washer laying in the bottom of the float bowl, under the float. The washer is suppose to go on top of the float, between the float and lever actuating the needle valve. The washer being missing/out of place on the float can cause incorrect fuel level and possible sticking of the float assembly. The float and lever top pictured here are both new, seen to the right of the basket.

I placed the pilot jet inside a small brass container made to hold small parts in the Ultrasonic cleaner.

Parts going in for a bath. I'm using cleaning solution made for carburetors and safe for aluminum parts. Solution was set to 167 Deg F.

Just turned the machine on, you can see the grime forming little clouds around the parts (in the upper right) as the ultrasonic sets to work.

While the parts were taking their bath I checked the float height adjustment on the new lever tops....set perfectly from the factory.

Going back together.

Should have checked this before I started re-assembly but here I'm checking the carburetor flange for flatness. The flange on this carb was warped which is common from years of heat and over tightening. The machine marks are still on the flange so it's never been lapped/trued up before. Hard to see as the camera angle was off but there is a gap in the middle, the ends are the high points.

To fix this issue and make sure I have a tight seal against the manifold gasket I'll lap the flange flat using a piece of glass and some 220 grit Wet/Dry sandpaper with oil applied. The oil helps keep the sandpaper from clogging up. It's super important to keep the carb flange flat against the glass when lapping. Go slow and check often, you don't want to remove any more material than you have to.

Here I did several passes on the sandpaper and stopped to check. You can see that the ends of the flange are contacting the sandpaper (Showing they are the high spots).

A little further and checking again.

Left carb flange is now square and will seal properly.

Back on the bike.

Time to complete the right carb. One dirty carb ready for a cleaning.

I found that the right carb was missing it's float washer completely.

The flange was warped on the right carburetor as well.

Parts coming out of the cleaner.

Shiny bits going back together.

All important washer installed on top of the new float

Ran the clock out for this day. More to come......
Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.

Setting the free play on the throttle cables.

Both carbs installed.

Houston we have a problem! Time to fire this baby up and balance the carbs. Fuel on and..........what the! Huge fuel leak happening on the left carb. After a quick check it was obvious what was causing it. When I cleaned the carbs yesterday I noticed a crack in the bottom of the left carb's float bowl. The crack didn't appear to be going all the way through the carb body and it hasn't been leaking any fuel so I didn't think a lot of it. But.....I did clean a bunch of scale out of the bottom of the float bowl and apparently the scale was keeping it from leaking. The crack looks like it's been there for a Loooong time, who knows how it go there...maybe someone dropped the carb at some point or a piece of road debris hit it? Either way the carb is now leaking fuel....Dang.
Back on the bench to examine the crack.

Close up.

I'd love to find a replacement carb (Bing 1/24/159) but I also want to ride the bike so some kind of fix is in order! I started by taking a wire wheel and cleaning the crack and surrounding area.

Next I used the edge of a cut off wheel on the Dremel to carefully open up the crack a bit and rough up the area around the crack. I also used a cone wire wheel on the Dremel to clean the bottom of the float bowl really well. All this prep is being done to allow epoxy to adhere properly. Areas were then cleaned with Acetone before applying the epoxy.

I decided to use some JB Weld Fuel repair epoxy to complete the repair. Ready to use in 1hr.

Cutting off a piece of epoxy. You kneed the piece until color is uniform then apply to the desired area and form into place.

I applied a small amount from the inside working it into the crack until it came out the outside.

Then applied some to the outside as well. This stuff sets fast and you want to be quick, it went off in about 3 minutes. Luckily the repair is not visible once the carburetor is back on the bike as it's on the front underside edge of the bowl.

Back on the bike and zero leaks.....That's better!

Up and running smooth, here synchronizing the carburetors.

Wouldn't you know is running and now it's raining. Well time to clean up the shop and go play tomorrow

Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
Going to look so good on display with the real thing. :wings.
Thanks Again Mate

Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
I decided to take the R51/3 in tow and my father got to try out his new to him Scout Camper. My uncle followed us down in his Van and a friend tagged along in his van as well.
The weather was absolutely amazing...sunshine, clear skies & 80 deg temps. There was a large turn out this year and we met so many amazing people! Gave a lot of people rides in the sidecar and drooled over soooo many cool planes on the field. The museum here is a must see, one of the best I've been to with a TON of classic aircraft, cars, motorcycles and all kinds of other historic artifacts.
Setting up camp and unloading toys. My son had a blast cruising around the field on the 69 Z50.

Man...what a view. This was early Friday morning. We arrived early so we could get one of the front camp spots next to the planes.

With camp set up I took the BMW just down the road to DIY van and picked up a Maxxfan that we will install in my dad's Camper. Two web straps and the aluminum rack on the back of the Steib worked perfectly to get the fan back to camp

Hanging out at camp

One of the volunteers talked me into letting him try out the bike, it was cool seeing it off the bike.

This fine gentleman stopped by to chat about the Tom Thumb minibike and we ended up talking for a good couple hrs. He is Desmond Doss Jr, Son of Desmond Doss. He is a really great guy and I enjoyed swapping stories. He had two firsts while he was at the event...I gave him his first side car ride, and my son asked him for an autograph on a plastic whimsical PBY wing....he said that's the first time someone ever asked him to sign a PBY LOL.

Kiddo Heading out for a ride on the Z50 with one of his Grandpa's.

First outing with my fathers Scout Camper. We recently sold my dad's Revel as it hurt my dad's neck and back to drive. He can drive the truck for days without issue so we decided to get him something to put on the truck. The Scout is light weight, well insulated and he doesn't have to lift the top like a FWC. It worked great!

Dawn Patrol! This biplane was up early Saturday morning waking up the campers and getting everyone stirring. It worked great as everyone was milling around shortly after. I was already up enjoying the beautiful weather and breathtaking scenery, I snapped this photo as he flew in front of Mt. Hood.

Love this Gyro!

Bike out in the sun burning off the morning dew.

Great company.

So many awesome aircraft to take in.

Checking out the restoration shop at the museum.

I purchased my son a ride on the 1929 FORD Tri-motor and grandpa went with him. Lifetime memories.

A Morgan 3 wheeler showed up, I love these cars! Had to get a pic of my 3 wheeler next to the Morgan.

A father/son team was using their Urals to shuttle people around the son loved it!

Inside the museum. The detail on this scale Semi is amazing. I can't imagine the work that went into this!

Just your typical 51 Ford with a 998 CI engine!

Can't wait till next year!

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Re: Hodakaguy's R51/3 & Steib LS200 Thread.
Shifty 1215; aka lefthander